Be fruitful and multiply is repeated in this week’s Parsha. Don’t be intimidated by what it signifies.
Soul-Rights Activism
Are Jews not allowed to be vegetarians?
The Power of Optimism
What gives someone the strength to survive two days in a home with terrorists? It’s a power we inherited from Abraham, our forefather.
The entire world is chasing after the secret to longevity, but I think I have figured it out.
Sharing a Language with G-d
Did you know that there are Germans who speak an ancient dialect peppered with Hebrew?
Your Mission: Live with G-d Everywhere
What did it take to save Syrian Jewry? And why?
To Kiss or not to Kiss
Being excited about Mitzvos.
Are You Made of Stone or Brick?
When One World Trade Center was built, a discussion arose about the appropriate materials. What was the Tower of Babylon made of? What is the spiritual lesson?
If You Judge – Judge Favorably
Reish Lakish and Rabbi Yochanan had different takes on Noach’s righteousness. What does their background tell us about their interpretation? Should we be a Reish Lakish or Rabbi Yochanan?
Absentee Ballots Don’t Count
In America, every person has the right to vote, even if they cannot make it to the polls on elections day. Israel gives no such accommodation. What about Judaism? Can you be a “Jewish Absentee”?