The customs of this week’s Torah portion seem to reflect the reality of Israel today.
How far do we go to ensure the comfort of others?
Thank you in Hebrew
What’s the best language for it?
Luck of the Rich and Mazel of the Poor
Have you tried taking a loan recently?
A Russian Conspiracy
Enemy of the Soviet Government This week, I discovered that my father, Rabbi Moshe Greenberg, was considered an enemy of the state in the Soviet Union at the young age of just 18 years old, considered so dangerous that a memo about him was disseminated among the highest echelons of power, even those closest to Stalin. This memo was only recently discovered: In June 1950, a deputy minister of the...
Giving Thanks with Firefighters
Israelis were very excited when their firefighter delegation was sent to California.
What was so unique about this occasion, and what does it tell us about the meaning of gratitude?
Thanking G-d as a Group
An Israeli couple who didn’t want a Chuppah.
The Chosen People: Discrimination or Divine Mission?
Judaism always preaches ‘education for all,’ but the Talmud tells us about some very elitist academies. Why were they so snobbish, and what does it tell us about our approach to Judaism?