What has the past year taught us about the nature of the Jewish people?
Yizkor: Is There a Right Time to Ask for Forgiveness?
Forgiveness in Jewish tradition — each night, each week, and each year.
Kol Nidrei: Yosele, Don’t Focus on the Troubles
The Jewish approach to coping with pain and tragedy is to remember and honor the loss but not to dwell in mourning forever.
Doorway Defense
Is there a special mitzvah that we could take on for the new year? What is G-d’s message to us in the year post-October 7th?
Son of Hamas
What lesson can we learn from the hamasnik-turned-peace maker?
New Year Campaign Speeches
On Rosh Hashanah, G‑d and the Jewish people "give campaign speeches" to one another.
The Prayer of the Hostage
When Sappir Cohen was taken hostage, there was one chapter of Psalms that she knew. What was that chapter, and what is its significance?
How To Survive in Space
When NASA was thinking of long-term space travel, there was only one group of people who seemed to hold the necessary secrets: the People of Israel.
The Brash Diplomat
The story of the brash Israeli diplomat and his humble beginnings.
The Kosher Army
Should we separate from the irreligious? Isn’t that what our forefathers all chose to do?