Before the Yom Kippur war, the Israeli government was very hubristic about their abilities. What changed? And what gave them the ability to ultimately win the war?
Kol nidrei: Diplomatic Immunity
When the synagogue reaches Aleinu, everyone breathes a sigh of relief. How did it suddenly end up in middle of High Holiday Musaf?
Yizkor: We Are Not Statistics
Against all odds, in the worst possible situation, an SS officer saved a ten-year old Jewish child—the translator of the machzor in your hands. What lesson can this teach us?
On the High Holidays, we come to shul and say, ‘G-d, You are the one in control—give us a good year.’ What does he want in return?
Kol NIdrei: “Shto takoia” Chabad?
How to become a card-carrying Chabadnik
Kol Nidrei: breaking records
What Jewish things are in the Guinness Book of World Records? And what records should we really strive for?
Yizkor: Are We Progressing or Regressing?
Is the world getting better or worse? Were Jews once better off? What is the correct way to view the current state of the Jewish people?
Yizkor: The Last Jew Standing
The last Jew in Spain was a 15-year-old boy who lived a lonely existence wandering the country hoping to avoid capture and forced conversion. This story never happened — it’s historical fiction. But why is it so compelling, and what should be our response?
Kol Nidrei: It Was Moroccans vs. Russians
When a rabbi tried to prevent a murder on Rosh Hashanah…
Yizkor: Jewish DNA
What is it that connects Jews from all over the world?