“Matchmaker, matchmaker”... What was the role of Moses at Mount Sinai? He was a matchmaker! If you think about it, you can be a Matchmaker too.
You Can Be G-d’s Matchmaker
“Matchmaker, matchmaker”... What was the role of Moses at Mount Sinai? He was a matchmaker! If you think about it, you can be a Matchmaker too.
How to wake the Jews up: the Chabad way.
Why is the story of Yisro so compelling?
We Jews have taken culture from the Chinese — after all, every Jew eats Chinese food. But have they taken anything from us?
Lessons from Texas.
When is advice good, and when is it bad?
Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twersky was a person who worked his entire life to help people reach happiness. What was the key to his work?
In recent years, researchers have discovered that negative advertising has the opposite effect. Merely talking about a bad behavior actually encourages it further. This, needless to say, is an old Jewish concept.
Should Jews be hunters? What is the Torah’s attitude towards hunting and towards animal cruelty in general?
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