What is the meaning of a bris, and why do we read about it on Rosh Hashanah?
What is the meaning of a bris, and why do we read about it on Rosh Hashanah?
The famous marshmallow experiment found a link between self-control at a young age and success in adulthood. Does this mean our fate is determined at birth?
This week, two Chinese workers made a shortcut through the Great Wall of China. This raises the question: do shortcuts actually work?
Why is the mezuzah on a slant? The answer is very typically Jewish.
Queen Elizabeth, a Torah Celebration and Hakhel
How do we ensure that our Torah scrolls remain safe?
Why are we so particular about books and everything about them?
Why bring kids to Shul if they are just a nuisance?
A girl in the far-out Aleutian Islands, the Rebbe’s call to increase in light, and the unique covenant in this week’s Parsha.
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