Who was the first person to declare, “Baruch Hashem”? What does that statement contribute to your character?
It’s A Women’s World
The recent corona-crisis has highlighted the success of women leaders. This week’s parsha too, has an interesting message about feminine power.
Maximizing our Unique Blessings
Rivkah convinced Yaakov to take Eisav’s blessings, and her plan seems to have been successful. But did everything work out as planned?
Putting the Children First
Everyone knows the story of Yaakov’s love for Rochel. But did Rochel love Yaakov in return? A close examination of the text reveals a fascinating narrative.
The March of Dimes
When the polio epidemic was raging, President Roosevelt initiated a campaign for children to make small donations. Who else implemented small donations, and from where do charity boxes originate?
A famous Chabad song is sung with the words of Uforatzta. What does the word mean, and how does Jacob’s life serve as a lesson for Jews in the 21st century?
Who will be the Zaide if not me?
Who is the first Jewish Zaide? The story of this week’s parsha tells us something very interesting about the role of grandparents in raising their grandchildren.
Keep it in the Family
When a Yeshiva student found a Jew in Yosemite Park, he was asked a bizarre question. But the answer is hidden in this week’s parsha.
Take Responsibility
Human nature is such that when it comes to public issues, they generally flee from responsibility. But what is the Jewish approach? This Parsha gives us some insight.
Jewish and Fearless
Avraham, Yizchak and Yaakov all received similar encouragement from G-d – “Do not fear…” Yet the assuring words seem to come at strange times. Why was that so, and what does it teach us about dealing with our own fears?