What do people do when they find wallets on the floor, for real?
Immigrant’s Experiences
The Israeli taxi drivers were difficult even two thousand years ago, when Rabbi Zeira moved to the Land of Israel. What can we learn from his experience?
The Kibbutznik that found G-d in India
Learn from Abraham to use Faith, not Logic.
The Dispute in the Frankfurt Jewish Community
Should Jews separate from those less observant? What lesson can we learn from Avraham and Lot? A deeper look into the parsha.
Sharing a Language with G-d
Did you know that there are Germans who speak an ancient dialect peppered with Hebrew?
Your Mission: Live with G-d Everywhere
What did it take to save Syrian Jewry? And why?
Marriage is not a Union, it’s a Reunion
How were Adam and Eve really created, and why? The unspoken truth about human beings.
A Light Unto The Nations
Why are Jews obsessed with candles? What is G-d’s mission statement for creating the world?
It’s All About Loyalty
Jacob’s Final Wish In this week’s Torah portion, Jacob passes away. Shortly before his death, he tells Joseph his final wish: “Please do not bury me in Egypt.” Joseph immediately acquiesces: “I will do as you say.” Nonetheless, Jacob isn’t satisfied. “Swear to me,” he tells Joseph — and Joseph takes an oath. And then, the Torah tells us, “Israel bowed at the head of the bed.” This dialogue...
Making “Counterfeit” Real
Adolf Burger’s job in the Third Reich, and Yosef’s many cries in the Parsha.