Rabbi Lau searched for his savior for years. What was the end of the story?
The Child in Buchenwald
Rabbi Lau searched for his savior for years. What was the end of the story?
From Moses until October 7th, the prayer from our Parsha has played an outsized role.
What would happen if every synagogue would have a miniature kotel?
What happened the last time an Iranian tried to schedule an attack on a bad day in the Jewish calendar?
Do we believe in astrology? It turns out that this month’s zodiac sign has an important message for the current climate.
What’s the most important aliyah? It’s not what you think it is.
This week, two Chinese workers made a shortcut through the Great Wall of China. This raises the question: do shortcuts actually work?
Why is the mezuzah on a slant? The answer is very typically Jewish.
What’s the best language for it?
Have you tried taking a loan recently?
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