Antisemitism Today On Sunday, CNN aired a 1-hour program about anti-Semitism in the United States. They showed that there’s been a dramatic increase in hate crimes against Jewish people over the past few years; according to the FBI, the most persecuted religious minority in the country is the Jewish minority — and by a very wide margin. Anti-Semitism, they said, is the earliest form of...
Taxes in the Torah
What was the Torah’s commandment regarding taxes, and can it be fulfilled in our day?
A Conversation on the Plane
What do Israeli kids know about Judaism? Why did Moses break the tablets? And what is the secret to Jewish continuity?
What Is the Difference Between Sitting and Standing?
Why do we stand up for certain prayers but sit for others? And what is the deeper meaning behind it?
Tehillim – The Original Prayer Book
What is a spiritual way to show interest in our loved ones?
Three Eicha’s — Pick Your Choice
The key-word of Lamentations, Eicha, is said in several places in Tanach. What does it teach us about our choices?
How One Person Can Change The World
Some people change the world for the better, and some for the worse. What will you be?
The Extra Covenant
When Rabbi Grossman and his wife arrived in Migdal Ha’emek, everything was stacked against them. Where did they find the strength to persevere?
The Song of Moshiach
What is so special about song?
Despite All Odds
Should we always trust the experts?