Why do we need a minyan of ten people to pray? Because of a mighty and invisible Divine power that ten Jews can bring into the world.
The Challah Bake Trend
What is behind the new trend of Challah bakes and what important lesson does it teach us?
The Maapilim!
Who were they, and what do they teach us about a family’s role in someone’s Jewish growth.
The Ten Commandments Law
Two verses in the bible that give us strength to deal with obstacles in exile.
The Contribution of Converts
Why would a person convince his father in law to stay longer? It seems that Moses was doing just that!
Being a Real Superman
The famous superman of the bible, Samson, is in the Haftorah this week. What, really, was his superpower—and is it something we can emulate?
The Grand Wedding
Why are there so many Israeli weddings, why do we break a glass, and what does it have to do with Shavuot?
Why Jewish Division is Good
“Two Jews, three opinions.” Why do we all insist on keeping our separate customs and traditions? Wouldn’t it make more sense to unite?
Where is the Ark?
Why are we so obsessed with the location of the Ark, and what does it tell us about the Jewish people?
Gravesite View
When an erratic billionaire insisted on being buried next to Rabbi Kook.