What is the best proof that something occurred? How do we know there was a holocaust? How do we know the Torah is from G-d? And what if science claims to find conflicting evidence?
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What is the best proof that something occurred? How do we know there was a holocaust? How do we know the Torah is from G-d? And what if science claims to find conflicting evidence?
Who Really Said “Naaseh V’Nishmah”?
The amazing story of the Jewish hijackers in the Soviet Union.
Why is the story of Yisro so compelling?
We Jews have taken culture from the Chinese — after all, every Jew eats Chinese food. But have they taken anything from us?
People tend to get very heated in their political debates these days. What's a better way to go about it? How should we set our priorities?
What happened when Tel Aviv wanted to ban charity collecting? And why do poor people exist altogether?
Why didn’t the German Jews leave Germany? Didn’t they see the writing on the wall?
The Jews left Egypt in a rush. What was the problem with that?
Aharon Barak, the ideological head of Israel’s left, was photographed wearing tefillin. Can an Israeli really be an atheist?
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