How to convince your children to marry Jewish.
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How to convince your children to marry Jewish.
This week, the news reported that doctors in NYU successfully transplanted a pig’s kidney into a human being for the very first time.
What perplexes non-Jews about Simchas Torah?
What is the best way to overcome challenges and better your situation? Simchat Torah contains the answer.
When a Yeshiva student tried to share some Judaism, he was rebuffed. But it led to more than he had ever imagined.
Being excited about Mitzvos.
What is the proper response when a natural disaster hits our fellow citizens?
When one man took responsibility, hundreds of lives were saved.
A Kibbutznikit girl wrote to a modern Orthodox soldier about her questions of faith. The result was a fascinating correspondence. What was his best answer?
The last Jew in Spain was a 15-year-old boy who lived a lonely existence wandering the country hoping to avoid capture and forced conversion. This story never happened — it’s historical fiction. But why is it so compelling, and what should be our response?
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