The clues from the life of one of the world’s greatest explorers, and a Sukkot lesson of appreciation..
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The clues from the life of one of the world’s greatest explorers, and a Sukkot lesson of appreciation..
Why are guests so integral to Sukkot?
All the questions a rabbi receives—answered by Steve Jobs.
What has the past year taught us about the nature of the Jewish people?
Forgiveness in Jewish tradition — each night, each week, and each year.
The Jewish approach to coping with pain and tragedy is to remember and honor the loss but not to dwell in mourning forever.
Is there a special mitzvah that we could take on for the new year? What is G-d’s message to us in the year post-October 7th?
Today’s date on the Jewish calendar has an important message for modern times.
What lesson can we learn from the hamasnik-turned-peace maker?
On Rosh Hashanah, G‑d and the Jewish people "give campaign speeches" to one another.
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