Why did G-d protect the world’s first murderer? And what does that tell us about “beginner-Jews”?
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Why did G-d protect the world’s first murderer? And what does that tell us about “beginner-Jews”?
On Simchas Torah, we conclude the Torah and then begin it once more. Which element is more important?
Let's examine the prayer for rain and its meaning.
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What unique message can we derive from the unique Sukkos focus on rainfall?
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Before the Yom Kippur war, the Israeli government was very hubristic about their abilities. What changed? And what gave them the ability to ultimately win the war?
When the synagogue reaches Aleinu, everyone breathes a sigh of relief. How did it suddenly end up in middle of High Holiday Musaf?
Against all odds, in the worst possible situation, an SS officer saved a ten-year old Jewish child—the translator of the machzor in your hands. What lesson can this teach us?
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