Even Sodom & Gemorrah had a redeeming factor- Tzohar!
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Even Sodom & Gemorrah had a redeeming factor- Tzohar!
We find Abraham and Lot on two sides of the political extremes—and with each came a tipping point.
Why do we start our Jewish lives with a circumcision?
What actually happens at a bris, and what is its spiritual significance?
Be fruitful and multiply is repeated in this week’s Parsha. Don’t be intimidated by what it signifies.
Are Jews not allowed to be vegetarians?
There are two types of shofars blasts, which tell the story of the Jewish people from its inception. Which one are we hearing now?
The history of the Temple mount, and its reflection in the story of Cain and Abel.
Why do we remember Abraham, and how could that inform our Yizkor when we remember our own ancestors?
Drawing Divine Inspiration through a unique Sukkot tradition.
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